- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- The factory is situated on the edge of the town. 这座工厂坐落在该城的边上。
- The hotel is situated at the edge of the town. 该饭店坐落于市区的边缘。
- The plates and bowls have a gilt edge. 这些盘子和碗镀有金边。
- He is all on edge to have a look at it. 他急于想看一看那个东西。
- She was a bit on edge till she heard he was safe. 她听到他安然无恙才放下心来。
- She was like a narcissus trembling in the wind. 她像一株在风中摇动的水仙。
- John ran to the edge of the lake and plunged in. 约翰跑到湖边,跑进了水里。
- That long walk has put an edge on my appetite. 长距离的步行后使我食欲大增。
- Still, it's an ill wind; you will have an unexpected holiday. 不过,这也并非完全的不幸,你会享受到一次意外的休假。
- Please sharpen the edge of this axe. 请把这把斧头的刃磨快。
- The edge must be machined to 0.02 millimeters. 这边缘必须切割到0.;02毫米的精密度。
- The north wind set them shivering. 北风吹得他们浑身打颤。
- The pitiless north wind blew for weeks. 凛冽的北风一连刮了几个星期。
- His hat was whirled away by the wind. 他的几十被风吹得旋转飞走。
- A falling board struck him edge on. 一块木板掉落时,侧边打在他身上。
- The yacht was scudding along before the wind. 那只帆船正乘风笔直疾驶。